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10 Signs It's Time To Replace Your Mattress | Sleep Galleria

10 Signs It's Time To Replace Your Mattress

A research study published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine showed that the average age of participants' mattresses was 9.5 years old. That sounds about right considering most mattress manufacturers recommend replacing your mattress every 7 to 12 years. When to replace your mattress depends on the type of mattress you have and how much use it gets.

Some mattresses last longer than others There are signs when it's time to replace your mattress. It's just a matter of knowing what to look for when deciding if it's time for you to get a new mattress. Here are the top 10 signs it's time to replace your mattress.

1. The Age of Your Mattress Matters

Since most mattresses are made to last about 7 to 12 years on average, you should begin considering replacing your mattress around the 7-year mark. This is when you'll be able to spot signs of a bad mattress or at least get a better idea for when your mattress needs replacing.

2. Is Your Mattress Sagging?

Sagging is a tell-tale sign that it's time to get a new mattress. If you can feel your mattress sagging in the middle or different areas, this can mean the springs are starting to sag, your foam is starting to degrade, or a combination of both. Sagging mattresses can lead to uncomfortable sleeping conditions, and waking up in the night, which brings us to our next sign you need a new mattress.

3. Waking Up During The Night

If you find yourself waking up during the night because you're uncomfortable, and you're tossing and turning to find more comfortable positions, these are signs it's time to replace your mattress. Uncomfortable sleeping conditions can put your body in odd positions, which can lead to joint and other pain issues in different areas of the body.

4. Waking Up in Pain

Pain is another sign your mattress is too old. Whether you're waking up with stiff muscles and painful joints in the morning, or you experience pain when trying to sleep, these are obvious signs your mattress needs replaced. Research shows when people replace their old mattress with a new one, they have improved sleep quality, reduced back pain, and lower levels of stress.

5. Squeaky or Noisy Bedsprings

If you have an innerspring mattress or a hybrid mattress, the coils can start to make noise as they get older. You may want to consider changing your mattress if your coils start to squeak and become noisy. These are signs your bedsprings are starting to get too old and should be replaced.

6. Body Outlines

This happens more with hybrid mattresses and memory foam mattresses, but if you start to see a permanent indention or outline of where you sleep, this means your foam layers are starting to lose their support. The foam should bounce back to its original shape for proper support and comfort. If yours isn't returning to its original shape, you should consider finding a new mattress with better foam for proper support.

Not having the right amount of support can lead to long-term spine and joint issues so it's important to know when the right time to replace your mattress is.

7. You Feel Movement From Your Partner

If you sleep with a partner in bed and you can feel them every time they move around, it could be time you consider replacing it. Most mattresses are built to reduce motion transfer so your sleep won't be disturbed by any movements your partner might make during the night. This can include tossing and turning, but also getting into and out of bed. We're looking at you, late-night beverage drinkers. So if your partner is waking up during the night because you can feel them moving around, it's another top sign your mattress is old and needs to be switched out with a new one. You'll both be happy you did.

8. Is Your Mattress Lumpy?

Just like when you start to feel your mattress sag, or if your foam starts to wear out and leave indentions, your mattress can also get lumpy as a result of old age. Lumpy mattresses happen when the mattress's padding or foam starts to shift and move.

Lumpy mattresses can leave hard spots in the bed that are uncomfortable to sleep on. If your mattress is starting to look like the Humpback of Notre Dame, then it's definitely time for a new mattress.

9. Falling Asleep Takes You A Long Time

If you happen to have trouble falling asleep, more than the average 15 to 20 minutes, then it could be your mattress telling you that its time is up. Besides getting a new mattress, some other tips for falling asleep faster include eating the right foods before bed, listening to a sleep podcast, or practicing meditation.

10. Allergies Acting Up

If you're having allergy issues and they don't seem to be going away despite regular allergy treatments, then the culprit could be your mattress. Studies show that dust mites collect in mattresses, and the American Lung Association explains that dust mites are major triggers for people with allergies and asthma. The longer you've had your mattress, the more time it's had to collect dust mites and other allergens. If you've had your mattress a long time, and you experience allergy symptoms when you lie down or right when you get up in the morning, it may be time to replace it for the sake of your health. Using a mattress protector is one way to help stop your mattress from accumulating dust mites and other allergens.


It turns out replacing your mattress reduces your allergies, is good on your back, and improves your health, but getting a new mattress is just one of many ways to improve your sleep. Just remember, when you do decide it's time for a new mattress in your bedroom, use these tips or finding the right amount of pressure relief with your new mattress for instant comfortable sleep.



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